for Hong Kong and Mainland China in real-time
The Hedley Environmental Index monitors and publishes in real-time the economic costs of Hong Kong's air pollution in terms of public health impacts and their monetary value. The public health impacts include premature deaths, hospital bed-days and doctor visits.
The AQHI informs you of the short-term health risk of air pollution and helps you take precautionary measures to protect your health. The AQHIs are reported on a scale of 1 to 10 and 10+ and are grouped into five health risk categories.
Air Quality Information for all major cities in mainland China.
Air Quality China for Mobile
The Data sources used for the Air Quality, Air Pollution, PM2.5 (fine particulate matter), PM10 (respirable particulate matter), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), SO2 (sulfur dioxide), CO (carbon monoxide), O3 (ozone) and Weather data in this page are coming from:
- Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国环境保护部): - Weather Underground: - U.S. Consulate Shanghai Air Quality Monitor: - Shanghai Environment Monitoring Center(上海市环境监测中心): - U.S. Consulate Chengdu Air Quality Monitor: - Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department: - Jiangsu Province PM2.5 Air Monitoring Comission (江苏省城市空气PM2.5等试运行监测数据平台): - Shenzhen Environment Network (深圳人居环境网): - Wuhan Environmental Protection Bureau (武汉市环保局): |